Meet the winners of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2017
15 February 2018We are proud to introduce the Winners of this years Awards
Project: Breaking Segregation – The
Nyköping Model
Project lead: Veronica Andersson, former
president of the Children and Youth Committee in the Municipality of
Nyköping (Sweden)
Integrated education: better results by merging
schools from diverse parts of town
Several years ago, the Municipality of Nyköping
decided to merge its four high schools into one. The reasoning was that
if children from different parts of town are allocated to different schools,
this reinforces ethnic and social segregation. The
Nyköping model strengthens students’ social skills, promotes
integration and social development, and creates encounters between kids from
different backgrounds. Allocation of resources and
competence are optimised, and education takes place in suitable
buildings. Reversing the trend of poor school results united the politicians of
Nyköping across political divides. In 2014 the new school
was ready. Gathering all pupils in one school made it easier to focus on improving results.
There are currently 1,400 pupils enrolled, and soon the first age group will graduate. Results appear to have improved significantly. In the past pupils needed to pass three subjects in order to be eligible for upper secondary school, and only 70 % did. Now a passing grade in eight to twelve subjects is required, and it is expected that 90 % will make it.
Project: Towards Zero Waste – Verso Rifiuti
Zero / Tariffa puntuale
Project lead: Alessio Ciacci, former Councillor
for Environment at Capannori (Italy)
Towards more recycling: lower fees to reward
better waste separation
Tariffa Puntuale is part of the project Verso
Rifiuti Zero – Towards Zero Waste, aimed at establishing a system of rewards
and penalties for households and businesses in order to minimise the production
of non-recyclable waste.
As the first town in Italy to adopt a “Towards
Zero Waste” strategy, Capannori launched a project to align waste tariffs with the
systems used for energy and water, linking the cost to the
amount of non-ˇrecyclable waste. This method encourages households and
businesses to maximise waste separation, thereby
increasing recycling which turns waste into value and gives it a second life.
The initiative, conducted from 2007 to 2013,
was based on a technical design which combined social and
technological innovation and encouraged citizens’ involvement. It started with
a pilot project on a small part of the territory to test different technologies
and concluded with full implementation in 2013.
Project: Collaborative and transparent –
drafting of the Digital Republic Bill
Project lead: Axelle Lemaire, former Innovation
and Digital Affairs Minister in the French Government(France)
New ways of lawmaking: citizens take part in
drafting a bill
For the first time in France and in Europe, a
bill initiated by a national government was co-drafted by citizens, during an
open, transparent and interactive three-week online consultation. 21,330
contributors commented on the text, suggested amendments and
proposed new articles. 90 of the
proposals made their way into the Digital
Republic Bill before the legislation was even presented to Parliament. The bill
was eventually adopted unanimously both by the National Assembly and the
The participants claimed to be very satisfied
with their experience, especially the youngest who discovered the making of a
bill in real time. The text has now been implemented; it aims at widening the access to and dissemination of data and knowledge,
ensuring equal rights for consumers, fair competition for
companies, protecting online privacy, and promoting internet access as a universal right. An incubator for democratic innovations was
launched as a private initiative following this
experiment to support tech-based civic projects.
Category: ECOLOGY
Project: R-URBAN. Ecological Transition
Movement involving citizens in civic resilience networks
Project lead: Marie-Hélène Amiable, Mayor of
Bagneux; Patrice Leclerc, Mayor of Gennevilliers; Alexis Bachelay, City
Councillor of the City of Colombes; Pascale Meker, Deputy Mayor Environment
Bagneux (France)
Local answers to global challenges:
strengthening urban adaptability to climate change
R-Urban is a grassroots movement for ecological
transition. It proposes to enhance the local capacity of urban resilience by
building networks of hubs that valorise local resources and support alternative
models of living, producing and consuming. R-ˇUrban provides tools, training
and resources to facilitate citizen collaborations. More than an environmental
and social innovation project, it is a political project.
Indeed it proposes an innovative model of civic
resilience involving citizens, organisations and municipalities and scaling it
from neighbourhood to further levels. Currently, R-Urban has developed six
hubs, working with five municipalities and more than 60 public and civic
organisations, directly involving more than 10,000 people.
New productive initiatives have emerged within
the network, creating green jobs, such as the École du Composte that has
trained 150 master composters. R-Urban has received numerous awards and has
been laureate of the “100 global projects for the Climate“ supported by COP21,
the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference.
Project: Integration project
Project lead: Dieter Reiter, Mayor of Munich; Frederik Kronthaler,
Condrobs Director for Youth (Germany)
Integrative housing: young refugees living
together with local students
This integrative housing project, the first of
its kind in Germany, provides a home for 62 unaccompanied minor and young adult
refugees between the ages of 16 and 26, alongside 41 university students. By
living together with students of the same age group, young refugees can learn about
German culture and can interact with a part of society immediately. The main
aim of the project is to create a safe place for young refugees and to help
them to live independently.
They are often socially disadvantaged and,
without family support, have specific needs regarding social integration, personal
development, education, and further career guidance. Social workers are present
24/7 and support the young refugees by assisting them in obtaining a school
degree, finding suitable apprenticeships or, if possible, jobs. The building
also houses a social cafeteria, as well as conference rooms,
which are accessible to the whole neighbourhood and thereby promote social
interaction between people of different backgrounds.
Category: JOBS
Project: Pilot project to develop long term
mobility for apprentices in Europe
Project Lead: Jean Arthuis, former Minister,
European Deputy, President of the Committee on Budgets (France)
Apprenticeship across borders: apprentices
catching up with students
Within the framework of a pilot project
supported by the European Commission, since September 2016, Les Compagnons du
Devoir (Companions of Duty) have coordinated a consortium of more than 30
training centres in 12 European countries. The objective: testing the options
for apprentices to train in another EU country for six to twelve months and
obtain a degree or certificate from the welcoming country or, upon return, from
the country of origin. In addition to again giving value to the idea of an apprenticeship
and providing the same opportunities for mobility in vocational training as
students have in higher education, this project also lays the groundwork for a European
apprenticeship framework.
Project: Calliope mini
Project lead: Gesche Joost, Ambassador of the
European Commission Project Digital Champions (Germany)
Digital wizard: everything a schoolchild needs
to explore the world of bits and bytes
Calliope mini is a microcontroller that has
been developed for use in the classroom, starting from primary school. Teachers
and schools are vital to conveying digital literacy in a meaningful way. Our mission
is to provide every schoolchild from the third grade onwards with a playful
approach to the digital world.
Calliope is currently equipping pilot schools
throughout Germany, helping to change the educational system. The aim is to
distribute the Calliope mini to schools all over the country, working together
with the ministries of culture and state media centres to permanently anchor
more media competency in the curricula.
The Calliope mini addresses the creative part of
digital education and at the same time provides the basis for digitisation –
programming itself – in an understandable way. Just a few clicks and you can
create your own programmes. The various functions can be easily controlled by
our editors, available on In no time at all, the star-shaped board
transforms into a small robot, plays new music compositions or transmits
Project: Sign-language video – interpreter
Project lead: Piotr Kowalski, Community and urban
activist, Civil Platform political party member (Poland)
Equal access to public offices: video sign
language interpreting for the hearing-impaired
In 2012 a new law on sign language and
communication methods came into force in Poland. Because of this, hearing-impaired
people are now able to communicate better with the world, and the authorities
are required to make access for them possible.
The system – successfully implemented in local authority offices (e.g. in Lodz), labour offices, municipalities, communities and voivodships – enables deaf people to use public services like hearing people, without special appointments or other preparations. Getting access to a sign language interpreter is often a nightmare for hearing-impaired people.
This problem has been solved by the video transfer and an interpreting studio, organised by the Polish Deaf Association. The project started with one office and 20 points at which an interpreter was available. At present, there are over 200 such points. The system also allows people to connect with an interpreter from home on a website.
The Finalists - Quality of Life
20 November 2017We present: The ten finalists chosen by the jury in the category "quality of life"
New representation in Lithuania
19 April 2018DALIA BANKAUSKAITĖ joins the Innovation in Politics Institute Network as country representative