In a Nutshell
Here you will find an outline of our Initiative.
The Innovation in Politics Awards
To identify and recognise the most ground-breaking political work in Europe, we have established The Innovation in Politics Awards.
Every year, we are also assembling a jury of more than one thousand European citizens to decide who should win these yearly awards. All European citizens are invited to participate.
We present the work of courageous and creative politicians from all levels of governance and from all democratic parties in Europe so that it can serve as a source of inspiration to others. More here
The Service Organisation
We are a Europe-wide service organisation for politicians and political institutions.
Innovation in Politics Showcasing: Whether you want to attract regional business investments, create new jobs with regard to digitisation or increase citizens’ participation: With our Europe-wide office network we can identify the most successful best practices in politics and policies in Europe.
The Innovation in Politics Exchange: With this unusual conference format we gather the brightest minds in politics in Europe, making use of their experience to identify the best solutions for specific political tasks.
Why we are doing this
We see an imminent threat to our European society as citizens are losing trust in politics. We are already witnessing terrible consequences in almost every European country. This is why we need politics in Europe to improve.
Who we are
We are a non-partisan group of private citizens.
We have assembled a group of entrepreneurs, former political practitioners, artists, communication experts, facilitators and other active citizens to carry out this task.
You can find an introduction to our founders and team members here. If you wish to know more about the people we work with, have a look at our partners.
Where we are
Our head office is in Vienna, Austria. Together with our partners we have established country representations in Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Finland, Germany,Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and in the UK.
Our country representatives provide information and support in the local languages. Citizens and politicians from all Council of Europe member countries are invited to participate as well.